The Faculty
Board of Advisors

Our Three Pillars
The NJIN was founded on these guiding principles
To build a strong foundation of scientific research for future scholars.
NJIN prioritizes hands-on experiences and provides opportunities for students to gain research experience. Participants of our STEM program will work closely with college students, and neighboring universities, to be mentored on group research projects, and potentially pilot a new commercial product. Projects will target the life sciences, with special emphasis on ecology, sustainability, and agriculture. Potential to work with animals and gain veterinary experience is also possible.
To support the development of future entrepreneurs.
Students will be coached by Babson certified Instructors on effective leadership skills, receiving a certificate in Entrepreneurship training upon completion. Public speaking, team building, and management practices will be highlighted in the LEAF program. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a business plan for products created by members in the research sector of NJIN.
Share wellness resources for personal health and development.
While our LEAF program supply students with career development skills, we recognize the strongest futures require healthy and happy individuals. Members of PETAL can take advantage of our facility and curated activities in NJIN. From equine therapy to nature and forest therapy, yoga retreats and mindfulness workshops, we aim to provide programs to promote the holistic wellbeing of all
Schools all over the world recognize that we need a visible and articulated K–12 strategy to foster purpose among students. Additionally, many schools and colleges are supporting the Mastery Transcript Consortium (MTC), to launch a new college transcript that will emphasize mastery of skills over memorization of content. The MTC will allow schools to focus on the whole child—rather than a narrow slice of achievement described by A, B, C, and D grades (Wehner, 2022).
Our Programs Provide
Creative thinking and active learning
Experience with group and independent work
Certificates of proficiency to add to college applications
An Alumni network to help support future growth
Students will be affiliated with the Forest Stewardship and Conservation Stewardship programs that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Mission
The purpose of NJIN is to provide a learning environment that connects classroom content to transferable real life skills. Students at NJIN will participate in carefully curated programs focusing on sustainability, agriculture, and life sciences. Our specialized team will prioritize experiential learning, allowing students to learn by experience, using the outdoors as our classroom. Students can engage with our on-site horse boarding area, grow their own food, collaborate with fellow peers, and even incorporate the arts into their research projects. Here we answer the questions of why environmentalism is important, what the process of food to fingers is, and where our role is in this expansive and ever developing world.

Our Vision
We aim to bridge the gap between the classroom and everyday life. At NJIN, students are provided an opportunity to get hands-on experience with what they learn at school.
Why limit ourselves to learning about ecology from a book, when we can investigate and generate our own observations right in the field?
Students who come to NJIN are able to learn about every aspect of a healthy ecosystem, from growing their own food and learning about plant biology and nutrition, to working with animals and understanding sustainable wastewater treatments. Here students can ask questions, create hypotheses, and think critically on the issues facing the natural world today. We utilize experiential learning techniques to encourage independent thinking, creativity, and even leadership skills. Students who go through the program will qualify for a leadership certificate from Babson College, membership to the Future Farm Leaders of America, and future internships with NJIN.